Service Locations

Serving Suppliers Worldwide With US Catalytic Converter Recycling

Are you searching in the United States or internationally for a company you can trust to recycle your catalytic converters? Global Refining Group is proud to say that anyone from anywhere can use our dependable services. Whether dropped off at one of our partnering company locations or shipped via sealed overseas container around the world, we will process your materials.

As Global Refining Group is a network of catalytic converter experts, we have several locations that are eager to provide you with catalytic converter recycling services. Our partners are located in the following areas:


  • Ontario, Canada


  • Bronx, NY
  • Kenbridge, VA
  • Las Vegas, Nevada

Partner With Global Refining Group for International Catalytic Converter Recycling

From Canada to Asia, Global Refining Group is glad to offer catalytic converter services internationally. While Global Refining Group is primarily located in the United States, we look to be a company that makes our services as convenient, efficient and trustworthy as possible for our international customers. Ask us about our hedging, transport and storage solutions to make working us with an enjoyable and rewarding process.

If you would like to learn more about Global or have questions about our catalytic converter recycling process, don’t hesitate to contact a member of our staff today by calling 877-257-1404. No matter your location, we would be happy to recycle your catalytic converters in the United States!

Global Refining Group proudly serves our national and international suppliers, with scrap catalytic converter recycling in the United States.

Serving both wholesale & non-wholesale 

Making catalytic converter recycling easy on you

A cutting-edge processing system in our industry

Offering an outstanding refining process

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